RESO Conf Appt of Dr. Leon L. Haley, Jr., to JEA, Replace Kelly Flanagan, Pursuant to Article 21, Jax Charter for 1st Full Term Exp 2/28/24. (Sidman) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsored by CM Salem, R.Gaffney, Newby, White, Hazouri, Pittman, Carlucci & Becton)
2/25/20 CO Introduced: R
3/3/20 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/10/20 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: R
3/17/20 R Meeting Cancelled COVID-19/Emergency-No Action
3/24/20 CO Meeting Cancelled COVID-19/Emergency-No Action
4/7/20 R Approve 4-3 (Diamond, DeFoor, Priestly Jackson)
4/14/20 CO Approved 16-3 (Diamond, DeFoor, Priestly Jackson)