File #: 2020-0143-E    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Enacted
File Introduced: 2/25/2020 In control: City Council
On agenda: 4/28/2020 Final action: 4/28/2020
Effective date:    
Title: ORD Approp $75,000.00 in Grant Funds from FDEP for its Participation in a Study to Estab Vulnerability of Infrastructure & Resources that Play a Role in City’s Operations & Allow for Proper Planning; Amend 2020-2024 5-Yr CIP Apvd by Ord 2019-505-E to Prov Funding for “FL Resilient Coastline Prog FRCP”; Auth Standard Grant Agreemt with FDEP; Prov Oversight by Engineering & Constructn Mgmt Div of Dept of Public Works. (B.T. 20-050) (McCain) (Req of Mayor) 2/25/20 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, TEU, F 3/2/20 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer 3/2/20 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer 3/3/20 F Read 2nd & Rerefer 3/10/20 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferrred;NCSPHS,TEU,F 3/16/20 NCSPHS Meeting Cancelled COVID-19/Emergency-No Action 3/16/20 TEU Meeting Cancelled COVID-19/Emergency-No Action 3/17/20 F Meeting Cancelled COVID-19/Emergency-No Action 3/24/20 CO Meeting Cancelled COVID-19/Emergency-No Action 4/20/20 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 7-0 4/20/20 TEU Amend/Approve 7-0 4/21/20 F Amend/Approve 7-0 4/28/20 CO Amend/Approved 19-0 Publi...
Introducer and/or Co-Sponsor(s): Mayor
Assigned Committees: FINANCE, NCSPHS, TEU
Legislation Documents: 1. 2020-143 Exh 1.pdf, 2. 2020-143 Exh 2.pdf, 3. 2020-143 Fact Sheet.pdf, 4. 2020-143 Original Bill.pdf, 5. 2020-143 Bill Summary.pdf, 6. 2020-143 Revised Exhibit 1.pdf, 7. 2020-143 Revised Exhibit 2.pdf, 8. 2020-143_NCSPHS_Amd.pdf, 9. 2020-143-E_.pdf