ORD-MC Amend Chapt 652 (Floodplain Mgmt Ord), Ord Code; Amend Pt 2 (Applicability), Sec 652.202 (Areas to which this Chapt applies), Pt 5 (Site Plans & Constrn Docs), Secs 652.501 (Info for Dev in Flood Hazard Areas), 652.503 (Addnl Analyses & Certification), & 652.504 (Submission of Addnl Data & Contingent Approvals), Pt 7 (Variance & Appeals), Sec 652.704 (Restrictions in Floodways), Pt 9 (Definitions), Sec 652.904 (Definitions), & Pt 10 (Flood Resistant Dev), Secs 652.1204 (Limitations on Sites in Regulatory Floodways), 652.1601 (Gen Requiremts for Other Dev), 652.1602 (Fences in Regulated Floodways), 652.1603 (Retaining Walls, Sidewalks & Driveways in Regulated Floodways), & 652.1604 (Roads & Watercourse Crossings in Regulated Floodways) to Provide 25-ft Floodway Setback Regs; Amend Pt 5 (Site Plans & Constrn Docs), Sec 652.502 (Info in Flood Hazard Areas Without Base Flood Elevations (Appox Zone A)) to Address Certain Finished Floor Elevations, & Sec 652.503 (Addl Analyses & Certi...