File #: 2025-0130    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Introduced
File Introduced: 2/25/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/25/2025 Final action:
Effective date:    
Title: ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM Series of the 2045 Comp Plan at 4370 Old Middleburg Rd, btwn 103rd St & Fouraker Rd - (1.68± Acres) - LDR to MDR - Barati Enterprise, Inc. (R.E. # 013139-0020) (Appl # L-5882-23C) (Dist. 12-White) (Kelly) (LUZ) (Rezoning 2025-131) 2/25/25 CO Introduced: LUZ LUZ PH - 4/1/25 Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 3/25/25 & 4/8/25
Introducer and/or Co-Sponsor(s): Land Use & Zoning Committee
Assigned Committees: LUZ
Legislation Documents: 1. 2025-130 Original Bill, 2. 2025-130 Exhibit 1, 3. 2025-130 Exhibit 2, 4. 2025-130 Exhibit 3
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