ORD Initial Assessment Ord pursuant to Chapt 170, F.S., & Chapt 715, Ord Code, Auth special assessments in Downtown Jax, as described herein; stating authority & findings for such special assessments; stating the nature of improvements & general description of svcs; providing for the method of apportionment, svc cost, properties to be assessed & exemptions; identifying the svc area; establishing the assessment rate & term; setting a public hearing for the final assessment ordinance; directing preparation of the initial assessment roll, publication of notice, & mailing of notices; identifying the method of collection for the 2021 tax yr; identifying the method of collection for the 2022 through 2031 tax yrs 7 stating the intent to use the uniform method for the levy, collection, & enforcement of a Non-Ad Valorem Assessment for the 2022 through 2031 tax yrs; retaining all rights granted by Chapt 170, F.S.; Apv & Auth the Mayor, or his Designee, & Corp Secretary to Execute & Deliver the e...