ORD Approp $4,000,000 from Gen Fund Operating - Fund Bal to the UF Health & Financial Technology Graduate Education Ctr Activity - Land Acquisition Cost Acct to Prov Funding for the City’s Acquisition of a 2.85± Acre Improved Parcel of Real Property Located at 801 W. Bay St, Jax, FL 32204 (R.E. # 074487-0010) in Council Dist 7 with the Intent that the Funds Approp Herein will be Replenished Thru an Approp of Funds in the FY 25-26 Budget from the JEA Contribution Made Annually Pursuant to Sec 21.07 of the Jax City Charter; Apv & Auth the Mayor, or Her Desig, & the Corp Sec to Execute & Deliver a Real Estate Purchase Agrmt btwn the City & 801 Bay St LLC in a Not-to-Exceed Amt of $4,000,000, & All Closing & Other Docs Relating Thereto, & to Otherwise Take All Necessary Action to Effectuate the Purposes of this Ord to Purchase the Subject Property; Prov for Oversight of the Acquisition by the Real Estate Div of the Dept of Public Works & Prov for Oversight of the Property Thereafter by DIA...